Sunday, August 2, 2009

Unchartered Territory

Up until this weekend, our lives have been pretty easy. We've, more or less, been able to control Jacob in public. Of course that's with the help of certain things. We usually have Jacob in his stroller or when we're in the store, he sits in the shopping cart. But this weekend was our first weekend in public with two kids.

As we sit in the house or in our van, I think how absolutely blessed we are. I think "I have a picture perfect, all-American family." Dad and Mom, boy and girl and dog. How wonderful?!?!? So many people don't have that. I get so excited when I look at our little family.

So, last week, I was sitting at home, bored out of my mind, trying to find somewhere to go. I started thinking I could really use some groceries. So I thought I should take the kids and go do some shopping. HAULT.......ummm.....I have NO IDEA how to go shopping with two kids. I talked to Jonathan and I told him my concerns. So, we decided we would do some practice runs this weekend while we're all together.

So Friday we went to Walmart. I tried the approach of making (well, trying to make) Jacob hold on to the cart as we walked. Jacob touched every single rack we passed as we walked around the store. Socks, sunglasses, jewelry, diapers. The funny part was that, according to Jacob, someone in our family needed everything. Mom needed socks and jewelry, dad needed sunglasses, Lyla needed diapers and soap and Jacob needed EVERYTHING in the toy section.

After we left Walmart, I gave Jacob a score..C+...softy dad gave Jacob a B-...everyone knows there's really no difference between B- and C+ but dad is a softy so he had to give him a better grade than mom did.

Saturday afternoon we went to Target. This went a LOT worse than Walmart did. Jacob was crawling on the racks and putting things in the cart. By the time we left the store, I became one of those crazy out of control moms that I HATE in the store. The ones who are growling under their breath to their children. I absolutely hated that about me. I gave Jacob a solid D at Target. No popcorn, no treat, no toy....nothing.

Today (Sunday) we had to go to Sams Club. We were really supposed to go after Target, but I was so cranky after the debacle at Target I said we're going straight home. Today I wised up...Jacob sat in the bucket of the cart..a big no-no but I didn't have another choice. Jacob did so well. He sat there and rode in the cart and didn't act up. Lyla on the other hand....F.

If it's not one, I guess it's the life has officially changed...for the better. Today I thank God for that!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

God of Wonders!

We live 5 minutes for the airport, 2 minutes from the train tracks and on the corner of a major-side street in Des Plaines. That means, that our son is within minutes of all his favorites. He constantly hears the planes, trains and buses…and we constantly get to hear that he hears them. Quite often we go out for a walk to the end of the block so we can see the choo-choo train tracks, and we always go out of the way to make sure we are driving over the tracks.

Jacob is so excited every time he sees or hears any of those 3 items. He has recently started to become enamored with fire trucks and “cop cars.” Jonathan and I actually have no idea where he learned the term cop cars. We have always told him police cars. Maybe he watches too much NYPD Blue. (I’m joking….we don’t let him watch that kind of stuff!!!)

We must hear at least 20 planes a day and 10 trains and he is still ecstatic every time he hears them. I actually told Jonathan the other day we’re going to have to make him more pessimistic because people are going to make fun of him soon.

What a sad thought that he would get made fun of because he gets excited about the little things in life. If only, as adults we could be more like that. Maybe then traffic wouldn’t be such a problem….or getting stopped by a train…Jacob LOVES it when we get stopped by the trains.

I found my optimistic ecstatic thing the other day. We were driving in a car and I saw a rainbow. I SCREAMED out “GUYS LOOK AT THE RAINBOW!!!!!” So they looked.

There are some things in your life that no matter how much you want to or how hard you try you just can’t help but remember things. Jonathan grew up at camp. His dad was the director while Jonathan was a kid. Quite often, Jonathan will smell something and it will bring him right back to his childhood at camp.

The 24 hours we spent in the hospital having Emma are the clearest 24 hours in my life. I honestly think if I tried I couldn’t shake some of the thoughts and feelings, not that I want to, but I don’t think I could if I did. Those 24 hours are precious and heart wrenching to me all at the same time. But what we saw in the next 24 hours is what, in my opinion actually made that experience somewhat tolerable.

Jonathan and I were lying in our hospital beds (yes they gave Jonathan his own hospital bed for the week that we were there, and food tray and toiletries and everything either of us could possibly need), and almost simultaneously said “Wow look at that. Where did that come from?” You see, a rainbow appeared right outside our hospital window. It was the brightest, biggest, most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. I don’t know a lot of about science, but it hadn’t even rained. I really thought it had to rain for a rainbow to come so I’m not sure where the rainbow came from. It was AMAZING!!!! So that is where our journey began. A journey that was so incomprehensible yet filled with God’s goodness and blessings.

That rainbow reminded us of God’s promises to us. His promise to guide us and provide for us. His promise that we WOULD go through tough times but his promise that we definitely wouldn’t go through them alone. It's not to say that we didn't have many cries and rough times but it was a journey that was filled with an indescribable peace that only God could give us and that as Christians we know why we have it, but other than saying its from God, there is really no other way to explain it…and quite frankly why would we want to explain it any other way?

But now, the rainbow is my ecstatic thing. The thing that brings me back to my most peaceful time. A time in my life I felt closer to God than ever. A time of uncertainty, filled with a lot of questions but a lot of peace. A time where one night we laid in bed crying thinking that neither of us really knew how we were going to get through this but the very next day, God reassured us that we weren’t going to go through it alone. A time in my life where I felt the hand of God holding us and carrying us through. So the rainbow will always be my thing. My thing where if anyone else was in the car with us, they would have probably made fun of me….and you know what?!?!?! I don’t care.

So today, I’m thankful for my son who is optimistic and excitable about silly little every day things that he sees and hears all day long. I wish I could have a fraction of his attitude about that. But more than that, I’m thankful for rainbows and God’s promises. I’m thankful for a loving, caring God who knows us inside and out. A God who we can know personally and actually feel him in our life. Our God isn’t just a god, he’s our God. Today, I’m thankful for that!

Thursday, June 11, 2009


In case you don't remember from my previous post, Blues Clues is Jacobs newest favorite show. So for Easter this year, we wanted to put the Blues Clues notebook in Jacobs Easter basket. I found them on ebay for like $75-$100.00. I said ummmmm no…. So then I looked on Amazon and for $25.00 they had a Blue beanie baby and the notebook. So we bought that for Jacob. I didn’t know why it was so cheap but when we got it, it was NOT the notebook that was pictured. It was a little notebook shaped like a chair. We didn’t have time to send it back or even complain (yes I waited until last minute to buy it), so we gave it to him. He, of course, LOVED it. He carried it around day and night and carried crayons with it. He was as happy as could be….so I thought.

On Sunday my brother told Jacob that he bought him a present. I had no idea what it was. On Tuesday we went over to my brothers house and he gave him an envelope to open. Inside was the GENUINE notebook, straight from Blues Clues. It was the notebook that Steve has, the square one with the picture of the Thinking Chair on the front.

Jacob took it out of the package and went WILD!!!! He was so unbelievably happy to receive this notebook. He started screaming and saying “Notebook! Notebook!” Honestly, I can’t even do justice to describe how excited he was to get this notebook. He asked me to open it up and he hasn’t put it down since then. This of course made my brother his new best friend. On the way out of his house, Jacob said “Goo-Bye Uncle Rob!” (He RARELY says his name let alone a whole sentence with “Uncle Rob” in it….even now I ask him who got him his notebook and he says “Uncle Rob and Ti-Ti.”

Tuesday night he slept with his notebook. For about an hour over the monitor we heard him talking about clues and his notebook. The first thing he said when he woke up Tuesday morning was “Mom, Where’s my notebook?” He cries everytime we leave the house when I don’t let him take his notebook with him. He again slept with his notebook last night. This morning when he came in he brought his notebook and asked to watch Blues Clues. He now “draws” the clues with Steve in his notebook.

Unfortunately, I have honestly NEVER seen him so excited about anything. It was so exciting for me to see him so excited about this notebook. So today, I give thanks for my brother and sister-in-law. Their thoughtfulness brings tears to my eyes (of course I am pregnant so I do tend to cry a lot easier now). It was so kind of them to buy this notebook for him. His joy about this notebook is valued at well over the $75.00-$100.00 it cost on ebay (not that I would EVER pay that much for this notebook….and my brother said he didn’t pay that much either) but I do think if we could see how excited he would have gotten about this notebook, both us and my brother and sister-in-law would seriously contemplate purchasing it at that price, just because of how happy he was to get it. So, with all my heart….THANKS!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Major Milestone

Today I hit a MAJOR milestone. After 18 ultrasounds, 15 progesterone shots, 9 lbs and what I can only think is well over 35 (not at all an exaggeration) trips to the dr, I hit 30 weeks!!!!!!! YAY me!!!!! This has been an incredible journey thus far.

God in his pure graciousness has protected me and Lyla Jane tremendously. There have been so many ups and downs and all I can think is that God has this whole pregnancy in his hands and is in complete control of it. It seems so silly that I actually spent nights crying in fear of losing another baby. It’s amazing what Satan will use to turn your eyes off Gods greatness and shake your faith.

Now (and for a while now) I can feel the baby moving around in there what seems like constantly. What an incredible reminder of how awesome God is. Pregnancy amazes me start to finish. We have ALWAYS had a hard time getting pregnant and I think that people who can get pregnant (seemingly) at the drop of a hat, never really have to contemplate all the things that HAVE to go right in order to sustain a pregnancy. But, all-in-all, it has to do with one thing. God. God is the master behind all of it. No pregnancy is too tough or too “high-risk” for God.

God, in his infinite wisdom, has granted women the ability to create and carry a baby in their bodies. God, has allowed women the joy of feeling, for probably at least 5 months, their baby kick and squirm and even have the hiccups. In my opinion, no words can express the feeling of that baby moving around in there. There is no way to even do justice to it when I try to describe it to Jonathan. Putting your hand on my belly and feeling the baby kick does not even come close to comparing to the actual feeling of it.

We are so excited about this baby. Jacob picked her name out. Out of our list of 4 names he picked out Lyla Jane. However, I was talking to him the other day because Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper (from Blue's Clues) had a baby (Cinnamon), and I said “Jacob, Mommy’s going to have a baby” and he said “Oh no!” So hopefully he’ll like the baby better when she gets here. And when he feels the baby move, he asks if my tummy is hungry.

Jonathan on the other hand has maybe felt the baby move twice. Every single time the baby is moving I tell Jonathan to feel her…and she stops moving completely….every single time. So hopefully she’ll like him better when she gets here. :)

So as of right now, 30 weeks, my blood pressure is great, my weight gain is great, my blood sugar level is fantastic and really everything is looking wonderful. I am still on my restricted activity and still taking my progesterone shots, but, all in all, we’re having what seems to be a pretty normal pregnancy (with the exception of going to the dr once or twice a week…which is down from two to three times a week). We’re all hanging in there. I’m a bit uncomfortable and having some hard times sleeping but we’re hanging in there. Most importantly, Lyla is hanging in there and hopefully she’ll be hanging in there for at least 6 more weeks. (only 6 weeks….can you believe it?!?!?!?)

So, today I’m thankful for a loving, caring God. A God who comforts and protects. A God who gave me the ability, that so many woman don’t have, the ability to get pregnant and carry out a pregnancy (though I have some problems and need a little assistance). And a God who I know will work out this pregnancy out for His good.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Everyday Heroes

Let me preface my story with some recent background. Lately, Jacob has turned against his best friend (Handy Manny) and become enamored with Blues Clues. Everything is Blues Clues now. When we drive down the street, he is so observant and spots every single vet office because they usually have a paw print on them somewhere and he yells “MOM A CLUE!!! Do you see a clue?!?!” He puts books on the floor and sings “Blue ska-doo we can too” and does a flip onto the book. When the mail comes he screams “MAAAAAIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” (and does jazz hands, like Steve does when the mail comes on the show).

But, most importantly (pertaining to this story), he carries a notebook around with him where ever he goes now. All of a sudden he’s such high maintenance. He always loses his notebook or his crayon and we have to search around the house to look for it…and he’s getting specific as to which notebook he wants now. I’m telling you HIGH MAINTENANCE!!!

About 2 weeks ago Jonathan had a t-shirt on from The Disney Cruise we went on for our honeymoon. On the back, all the characters have signed their names. Pluto signed with a blue paw print (which brings up the ever-pressing question as to why Goofy can write his name but Pluto can only stamp a paw print…but that has absolutely nothing to do with this story). The kid went WILD!!!! “A clue dad you have a clue. Where’s my notebook….where’s my crayon?!?! Mom where’s my notebook.?!?!?!? There’s a clue!!!” So we quickly found his notebook so he could keep track of this clue.

Here’s where the real “everyday heroes” comes into play. Actually, I guess it would technically be "everyday heroines." The other day, we were watching Blues Clues together and the clue was a cup. Jacob had out his notebook and was scribbling in it (like he usually does). So I said "Jacob you have to draw the clue like Steve does." I figured I could draw a cup. So I said "Jacob look, watch mom draw it." So I took his notebook and I drew a cup. He was SO impressed. He clapped and screamed “Good Job Mom!” (which cracks me up every time he tells us “good job”)

At this point, I decided to show off a little and draw Periwinkle, the cat. She is, after-all, just a circle and some triangles. He screamed and jumped up and down…. “Mom you did it!!!! YAY Mom….Good job”

He then proceeded to ask me to draw Mr. Salt and Mrs. Pepper. After each one he got so excited that I did it. Then he asked me to draw Pail and Shovel. He screamed and yelled and jumped on me and gave me a hug. “You did it mom! Good job!” This was, by far, my proudest day as a parent. I was so excited!!!

So that day, I was thankful for EASY to draw characters, which made it possible to impress my son with my sub-par artistic ability. I am also thankful for a little man who gets so excited about little things. But most importantly, I am thankful for my son whose gift is obviously encouragement. I sincerely hope that as he gets older, he holds tight to that spiritual gift and continues to uplift people and brighten their day by making them feel better about even the smallest things they accomplish.

As a side note, he then asked me to draw Blue. BOMB!!!!! I have no clue how to draw Blue. I am still working on that one.